Navigating the inter transfer "Experience"

 Below is an audio Of Brian Musoti a first year at Moi University sharing his experience about(edited by Patrick Mwangi)

It is quite a sad situation when one finds himself at a position that he/she never envisioned and has nothing that he/she can do to overcome the situation, on the other side of the coin it brings soo much joy and hope when one finds himself at a dilemma and has something that he/she can do. It brings a sense of fulfillment and a state of peace of mind.

On the series of shattered dreams, today we will look into the hope  inter transfer gives to students who are at a point of dilemma in their degree selection, the challenges one encounters when doing the inter transfer and how it fulfills one`s desire of pursuing one`s dream. There are vast inter transfer types but commonly known are two, which include.

Institutional transfer, this allows  one to move from one university to another completely different university of choice. I remember this was the case for me as I had been posted at the Technical university of Kenya to pursue a bachelor`s degree in office management but because my dream was to pursue Information Technology, I opted to undergo through the institutional transfer  to Moi university to pursue a bachelor`s degree in information sciences. This really made my dream come true as I am doing a degree that I love, and like.

the other type is the inter faculty transfer which allows the transfer from one degree to another but within the same institution.

Musoti Brian, a first year at Moi university says the news about inter transfer came to him as hope that he could now do the desired dream of being a lawyer. Brian, from an early age he had always aspired to become a lawyer but when he was joining the university, he found himself placed  to pursue Education. This was not something that he wanted, it was something totally different from what he envisioned  but the inter transfer gave him hope at the point when he was giving up on his dream. To him he was able to successfully go through the inter faculty transfer and he is now doing what he had yearned for since childhood.
To most student this has helped them navigate through the challenges of admission dilemma to them doing degree`s of their dream.

For Joyce a fellow comrade, hers did not become successful as she was denied the chance of doing the desired degree she had applied for through the inter faculty transfer. For her the number of applicant that had applied for that particular degree were many, thus making the degree to be awarded to the best of the best from the applicants thus her being left out. This  broke her spirit and dream of becoming what she wanted even though she has already accepted the outcome and is happy in what she is doing now.

limited space as one of the shortcoming of inter transfer can hinder one from being approved  for the transfer, as it is usually provided when there is spaces, and mostly are the spaces very few. Other challenges may be that there is no provision of assistance to help those that don`t know  about the transfer, and that sometimes the approval may take long before being approved.

Inter transfer should be highly pushed by institutions to students so that it can be of benefit to them, especially those that have been assigned course that are not of their dream. institutions should also offer support and guidance on how to go about it so as to align students on the right path to their dreams.


Petra said…
Wow! I enjoyed reading your blog.

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