
Beyond expectation: Navigating Academic surprises and thriving in unchosen career paths.

In a world where academic paths are seldom straight lines, "Beyond expectation" invites readers into the inspiring narratives of students who discovered unforeseen passion in their unchosen courses.  Embarking on the journey of higher education is often a thrilling yet unpredictable experience. Many students  initially find themselves in courses they did not anticipate, only to discover unexpected avenues of success and fulfillment. As we delve into the stories of those who turned initial disappointment into triumphs, I highly encourage that prospective students to approach their academic journeys with an open heart and mind, ready to embrace the unexpected and find success in the paths that they never envisioned. Meet Nelly a prospective businesswoman around Moi university  business center Talai . Her dream was to pursue law and become a lawyer in one of the top courts in Kenya, but the admission dilemma did not work in her favor, as she was enrolled to pursue a bachelor`s d

Navigating the inter transfer "Experience"

 Below is an audio Of Brian Musoti a first year at Moi University sharing his experience about(edited by Patrick Mwangi) It is quite a sad situation when one finds himself at a position that he/she never envisioned and has nothing that he/she can do to overcome the situation, on the other side of the coin it brings soo much joy and hope when one finds himself at a dilemma and has something that he/she can do. It brings a sense of fulfillment and a state of peace of mind. On the series of shattered dreams, today we will look into the hope  inter transfer gives to students who are at a point of dilemma in their degree selection, the challenges one encounters when doing the inter transfer and how it fulfills one`s desire of pursuing one`s dream. There are vast inter transfer types but commonly known are two, which include. Institutional transfer , this allows  one to move from one university to another completely different university of choice. I remember this was the case for me as I had

Bridges or Barriers: exploring the admission dilemma.

  In the heart of higher education, the journey from aspirations to admission is often a tale of twist and turns. many students walk on this path with dreams and ambitions just as they envision, only to find themselves navigating a different unexpected terrain. This feeling can be very depressing when on one day, as you are going through the placement portals for a degree, you find you are allocated to a different course than that u envisioned yourself to do. This feeling generates a sense of doubt and makes one feel he/she is not enough, more so if the whole community and family were expecting you to be allocated what you had applied for. "I remember when I was applying for my higher education studies, I applied for a degree in Information Technology. I was eager for the allocation which took two weeks for them to give feedback. In those two weeks I was so overjoyed since I knew that I had qualified and was eligible to do the course that I had dreamed off. But to my surprise, I

the unplanned academic journey

below is an interview of students sharing their story on what led them to doing degrees they never envisioned( taken and edited by Patrick Mwangi on 3rd November 2023) by Patrick Mwangi. why students land in courses they never envisioned. every person in life has a dream and a vision of where he/she wants to achieve and go, however, at some point in life one can be found to have taken a path that is far from what they initially envisioned. "the unplanned academic journey" is a common experience that many students can relate to, filled with twists, turns and unforeseen detours. This is a case for me also, I wanted to do a degree in computer sciences but  due to the cluster points and the pass marks that had been put in place I found myself at a point that I was not eligible to do what I wanted cause I had not achieved the cut out points thus opted to do a bachelors degree in Information Sciences, it took a toll on me but I had to accept that I had not qualified and had to move

Shattered dreams

(created by looka logo designs) Fulfilling one`s dream is very overwhelming and generates a sense of belonging and happiness on one`s life, but what about those that don't fulfill their dreams, what about those that everyday have to cope with themselves doing over and over things that they never expected to do. well, we will never know until we look into the matter and find out how they are coping. on this series of shattered dreams we will involve students and graduates of Moi University(  Moi  )so as to find out about their experiences in doing degrees that they never wanted to do, the challenges they faced and the various options they tried.  feel free to comment or even add on something to this series.  

Welcome All

Welcome to the " Inspired Life Hub" -your gateway  to a life filled with purpose and passion! in this blog we will explore the secrets to living  a life that truly inspires and motivates you. from personal development and mindfulness to pursuing  your dreams and finding meaning in every experiences. Get ready to unlock your potential, ignite your passion, and embark on a transformative adventure with us . (taken on23 march 2023) I am Patrick Mwangi, 21yrs of age, a passionate student of Moi University, a very beautiful university situated at the heart of the Kenyan Rift Valley, Uasin Gishu county.  Am pursuing a Bachelors degree in Information Science, School of Information Sciences Moi University.  I like seeing  myself as a motivational person, a person who wants people around him to not give up on their dreams, to continuously push for what they want in their life and achieve them. I like dancing and listening to music most of the times, I like hanging out with friends